Peace of mind at no cost
Free upgrade to LifeSite Plus for all users through September 2020

For individuals who want easy access to their important information – anytime, anywhere.
- 1 User
- 1GB Storage
- 1 Backup Contact
- iOS and Android Mobile Apps
- LifeSite skill for Amazon Alexa
- Military-grade, Multi-layered Encryption

LifeSite Plus
For families who want to securely and easily share family information and documents – anytime, anywhere.
$8.99/month or $79.99/year
- 5 Collaborators with Share and Edit Privileges
- 5GB Storage
- 5 Backup Contacts
- iOS and Android Mobile Apps
- LifeSite Skill for Amazon Alexa
- Military-grade, Multi-layered Encryption

LifeSite Pro
For advisors who want to grow their business with a multi-generational, modern approach.
Get a Free Demo
- Unlimited LifeSite Plus Accounts with Edit Privileges
- Advisor Dashboard
- Client-Advisor Collaboration
- Client Engagement Analytics
- Encrypted Messaging
- Patent-Pending Life Guidance Checklists
- Private Label
- Mobile & Amazon Alexa Integration to LifeSite
- Advisor File Vault
- CRM Integration to Salesforce and Redtail