Remember that movie where the bad guy tries to start World War 3 by launching the nukes? But his plan is foiled because the launch requires two factors – the launch code and a handprint scan. If you think of the launch code as your account password and the handprint as two factor authentication (2FA), you’re starting to get the picture.
What is two factor authentication?
Two factor authentication is an extra layer of security, known as “multi-factor authentication”, that helps safeguard against unwanted access to any login or account. It requires at least two of three types of authentication.

1. Something you know
A password is the most common method of security, and something you know or keep in your head.

2. Something you have
An email address or cell phone are both something you have or own. With email or cell phone enabled 2FA, a correct password plus a unique numeric code that is sent to your device are both required before granting access to your account.

3. Something you are
Biometrics are the third authentication method. For example, many mobile apps like LifeSite Vault are beginning to take advantage of existing fingerprint technology on your smartphone to verify your identity each time you access the app.